Bel Canto

Bel Canto was founded twenty-five years ago by John Stronczer. John’s expertise in audio electronics and his passion for live music steered him towards creating the most engaging musical experience possible.

Every Bel Canto product begins with a high level idea that goes through in-depth research, extensive development and multiple proof-of-concept stages.

From the elegant e.One series to their ground-breaking new Black, Bel Canto provides a wide range of products that focus on recreating the live musical experience in your home. They bring together the latest technology and user-friendly operation with beautiful, minimalist aesthetics.

We had always been impressed with John and his whole team at Bel Canto: they are kindred spirits and our companies share so many of the same values. We are proud to offer their products and we hope you are as excited by them as we are.

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