Years of research into spatial transparency has produced a design devoted to holistic precision, carefully balancing all empirical criteria without exaggeration or gimmick. The result is shockingly non-clinical, with rich tonal colors and thundering dynamic contrasts that remain locked into precise focus naturally filling the spatial context of the recording. Low noise floor and vanishingly small distortion byproducts of all types couple to produce an uncompressed soundfield free of listener fatigue.
Octave to octave energy balance is equivalent throughout the extended bandwidth envelope, developed without compression of any kind and yet critically damped, thus delivering a dynamic and spatial presentation that is absolutely faithful to the recording. The result is a large dynamic system that focuses with pin-point accuracy, revealing the most subtle details of space and time combined with the ability to create explosive sound pressure contrasts.
Most importantly the uniqueness of this design is found in its internal timing. Rhythm and tempo are authentic while micro-timing of individual transients are revealed for their inherent explosiveness, bloom, and decay. Instruments and ambient detail emerge from a black background and the lowest noise floor yet achieved in a high energy transducer.